What do we want? Climate action!

When do we want it? NOW!

I don't have grand-children - yet - but it still concerns me what kind of world we will leave for these little ones.

That is why I decided to join the popular climate action march on Sat, 27 Sep, in Edmonton.

People gathered in three places in the city. I joined the group on Churchill Square, which grew up, in my estimate, to about 3 thousand people.

Many people came with their children, some of them not yet ready to carry a banner.

However, the cause of the environment is also on the minds of older folks.

Many people arrived on their bikes to demonstrate their effort not to pollute. I took a public bus.

From Churchill Square we walked toward Jasper Avenue.

Even the police was environmentally friendly that day.

We marched nine blocks in freaking cold.

The march and scanding warmed us up a bit.

Even construction workers applauded!

In a smaller street, close to Alberta Legislature, we were better sheltered from the wind. 

At Alberta Legislature, the crowd must have had around 10 thousand people! In the province, which economy is very much based on fossil fuels! The crowd was animated and determined to make a difference - see a short film illustrating it - here.  

Yes, people need jobs, but unless we shortly make them "green jobs," having a job may be beyond the point for our grand-children! 



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