Climate change as Maha Kranti.

Nostradamus (courtesy of Wikipedia)
Normally I am not a great enthusiast of prophecies. Taken literally, they often have quite a sway over people's minds, and tend to make people fatalistic, or, at times, paranoid. The most famous are perhaps the prophecies of Nostradamus, that, many people believe, have already come to be, in some parts, true. Full of prophesies are also the sacred scriptures of many religions.

However, I find a lot of congruence between what scientists tell us about the upcoming troubles, related to climate change, and the prophecies of Maha Kranti, pronounced in the early 1980s by Haidakhan Babaji. Maha Kranti is typically translated as Great Destruction or Great Revolution. Haidakhan Babaji started talking about Great Destruction quite early in his ministry. He said:

"The change of the present which is full of turmoil, will be brought about by bloody revolution. Peace will return only after revolution reaches its zenith. In the aftermath of the revolution - which will be total; no country will be spared big or small - some countries will be totally erased, leaving no sign of their existence. In some 3% to 5% and up to maximum of 25% of the population will be spared and will survive. The destruction will be brought about by earthquakes, floods, accidents, collisions and wars. (..)" (The Teachings of Babaji, 26 Jul 1979)

He stated:

"Calamities will fall not just on one country but on the whole universe; the whole universe is in danger. The terrible times which are approaching will engulf the whole world; the whole universe will be enveloped in this destruction. (...)" (ibid., 31 Jan 1984).

He also pointed out:

"The problem is one, which affects the whole universe. Now the problem of the universe stands facing Me. It is not the problem of one caste or creed, but all living beings of this creation. It is the problem of the 8.4 million species of sentient beings. (...)" (ibid., 22 Aug 1983). (underline by this writer).

Maldives, courtesy of Google Images. 
It seems to me that this exactly what is happening. With Global Warming and raising sea levels, it is believed that some smaller island-states, like Maldives or Seychelles, may cease to exist. The raising sea levels also threaten to flood bigger countries, such Netherlands, Bangladesh, Vietnam and Japan. (For the list of all countries most likely to be affected by raising seas, look here). As for "earthquakes, floods, accidents, collisions and wars" we don't need much evidence - it is enough to listen to the daily news.

Besides of what could be attributed to climate change, Haidakhan Babaji also mentioned nuclear catastrophes. He said:

"No one can stop the fire coming to the world now. The bells of great destruction are already ringing. The war will be such that people sleeping will die immediately. There will be atomic war. People will die immediately in their houses from gas and atomic and nuclear radiations." (ibid., 7 Nov 1981).

Chernobyl, courtesy of Google Images. 
Weather he meant nuclear catastrophes, such as Chernobyl or Fukushima, use of chemical weapons in Syria, or some future nuclear conflict, is to be seen.  Even putting nuclear superpowers, Russia and USA, aside, with other tensions around the world, such as between India and Pakistan over Kashmir, nuclear catastrophe is never too far away. Interestingly, Babaji indicated that all these super-weapons will be of no use if it comes to Maha Kranti. He stated:

"(...) the Revolution will occur simultaneously everywhere in the world. Countries which believe that they can save themselves through the newly invented weapons can forget this thought, for they will not be able to do so. (...) Superpowers like Russia and America will not be able to face the fire even with their new weapons. Nothing that they have invented will be of any use. Everything can be destroyed. (...)" (ibid., 7 Apr 1983).

In my mind, it is again indicative of some global, likely climate related, disaster.

If this interpretation is correct, and the global, climate related calamity is what we are heading for (and reluctance on the part of the biggest polluters to act is clearly pointing out to this possibility), is there anything we can do?

Babaji was calling for "spiritual courage," asking us to "be strong in the time of great revolution, which is coming."(7 Nov 1981).  He made the following appeal to the young people:

"You have to be strong and capable of facing these coming difficult times. Oh, youth! Remove all differences from your minds and unite like one great chain. We have to do good, not bad, for the whole world. You have to gather your courage, leave behind the fear of death to face life with hope and courage. Forget profit and loss - do not be concerned for praise or abuse - march on! (...)"(ibid., 28 Oct 1983)

I believe I saw first signs of the newly emerging strength among the young people who attended the last week march for climate change. Babaji also asked young people to "form a great international organization - bigger than anything organized in the history of the world."(17 Dec 1983). Perhaps climate marches last Friday (27 Sep 2019), all over the world, are the first signs that forming of such an organization is a possibility. With proper education, organization like this could become bigger than the United Nations. The framework for it was already laid out in the Paris Agreement 

Naturally, there is plenty each of us can do individually. We can constantly reflect on the "carbon footprint" of many of our activities. We can recycle, conserve water, eat less meat or become vegetarians, which my friend, Jacek, urges me to do. I installed solar panels on my roof (with the financial help of the province of Alberta and the city of Edmonton) - it can be done! We can also vote into office politicians capable of "global thinking," rather than "patriots" who, through populist messages, appeal to those, who don't care what happens after them. We can change of a few other habits, especially the habit of inactivity. 

One of the followers asked Babaji, why should he, in the context of upcoming calamities, do any work? Babaji responded that "one should work to his last breath."(ibid., 25 Dec 1981). He urged his followers to always be "industrious" and "hard-working," and to encourage others to do the same. He asked people to focus their minds on the Name of God ("whatever name your religion teaches") as a means to preserve their determination "to do good deeds for the whole world." Babaji stated:

Haidakhan Babaji (source unknown)
"(...) You can even change your fate or destiny by sheer hard work. All the great sages, saints, yogis and sanyasins that the world has seen and all the Messengers of God have achieved all that they did through hard work and Karma Yoga. Through Karma Yoga they changed Nature itself. Therefore, you must never be disappointed in life and you must remember that what even God cannot achieve, you can achieve through hard work. Karma is a thing which can even change the course laid down by God." (ibid., 4 Feb 1984). (underline by this writer)

I like this philosophy because it is progressive and gives hope. (My friend, Mike, calls me an "unreformable optimist.")

Perhaps, if we act together, it is not too late for us?


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