America of Kent, Taylor and Jovanovich

I started watching impeachment procedures in the US House of Representatives, thinking that as a retiree, I could give it an hour or so. However, once I started I could not stop. I spent, glued to the TV, probably 5-6 hours on both Wednesday and Friday.

The process itself is fascinating. Though quite adversarial, it impressed me how this can be done in an open and fairly respectful way. But I was most impressed by the people who testified - George Kent, Bill Taylor and Marie Jovanovich.

Brilliant, focused, to the point, noble, people of integrity and courage. I was particularly impressed by the testimony of Marie Jovanovich, who was an object of a powerful smear campaign, while being US Ambassador to Ukraine, and who was personally attacked by President Trump. Though she appeared close to tears a couple of times, she withstood the pressure of the inquiry beautifully. I think America is lucky having the people of this format serving as her diplomats.

Why do you care, one could ask, you are not even an American? I think there is a great stake in these hearings. This is not even an issue of saving America, which, after voting a scrupuless narcissist, with psychopatic tendencies, into the office, is at the brink of collapse. Chaotic by his nature, President Trump appears to know less and less what is and what is not appropriate. He genuinely doesn't seem to see anything wrong in asking foreign countries to investigate his political opponents. Considering himself the most powerful person in the world, he appears to believe that he can do whatever he wants. In this respect he reminds of Nixon, late in his tenure as president.

The greater issue appears to be the nature of the reality. With a number of powerful populistic hardmen, performing the highest offices all over the world, it gradually becomes more and more difficult to discern what is true and what is normal. How America handles yet another bout of corruption by her leader is likely watched all over the world.

If integrity, normalcy and decency prevail, it may encourage people who struggle with tyranny everywhere else, to try harder, to stick to the principles, to get courage. If the tyranny of selfishness, false ego, bullishness happens to win, this will likely encourage other tyrants to use methods that work for President Trump - calling every truth a "fake news," lying about almost everything, bullying everybody to accomplish his goals, etc.

America, with Trump at its steering wheel, becomes a hard place to live. More so, unstable America makes everything less safe. I can only hope that America has got more servants, like Jovanovich, Kent and Taylor, to prevent her upcoming demise. It was greatly reassuring, and giving hope, to see that people, like this three, still exist.


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