
NJB 97. Pięćdziesiątnica.


NJB 96. Mądry Polak po szkodzie.


POLSKIE RADIO EDMONTON 13 GRUDNIA 2020 Interview with Piotr Rajski related to the anniversary of the War State in Poland (13 Dec 1981)


"Selling air" - A tribute to Leonard Orr

  A tribute to Leonard Orr. I have already given a lot of tribute to Leonard in my blog posts: On the Path of Breath and On the Death of the Immortal . In this article I will only add a few more personal stories and a few previously unpublished pictures of Leonard and his family. They are all from the summer of 1986, when I had a chance to visit with the Orrs in California. After I spent a couple of weeks on the East Coast (NY, Boston), Leonard invited me to come to California and generously paid for my ticket to Reno, NV. At the time, he was touring a few states offering Rebirthing seminars. He asked me to take his Pontiac station wagon and join him in Idaho. I have never driven a car like this, in America (!), so in itself this was quite a thrill. I loved this car, which allowed me to see the most beautiful parts of America, and which often served as my shelter (I slept in it when travelling). I believe I joined with the Orrs near Boise, ID. Leonard travelled with his family i

Coronavirus or Love in the time of pandemia.

Courtesy of: Google Images It has been a few of months since my last post. This can perhaps be explained by a few factors: general, not always productive, busy-ness, slumber, lack of inspiration, or resistance to blog for the sake of blogging. However, the global pandemia brings up phenomena hard to ignore. I hoped to get some insights from  Gabriel García Márquez ' Love in the time of cholera ; unfortunately, they closed the local library before I could check it out! What one can say about what is happening?  It seems that this pandemia is a global phenomenon: it is not personal, it is not national, it is not religious. It seems to affect both poor and rich, a truly universal equalizer! From what is being reported, it looks like a purge of people who are old and frail, and, judging from the glimpses of what is shown on TV, people who are also overweight. Though individual losses are hard to bear, there is nothing particularly cruel about this process in a broader sense; it s

Lucid dreaming, or dreamed reality?

Image courtesy of Google Images Facing a six hour drive to Saskatchewan, not so long ago, and encouraged by my friend Mike's positive comments about the medium, I checked out from the local library, somewhat by chance, Robert Waggoner's audiobook, entitled "Lucid dreaming." I immediately got hooked up. Lucid dreaming can be defined as a dream, in which a dreamer is AWARE that he/she is dreaming. I had this kind of experience myself, so it was easy for me to relate to what Waggoner was describing. I once dreamt that I went to visit with my neighbor across the street in High Level, where we lived at that time. The visit was very pleasant, but at some point I noticed that his living room was opened straight into the street, without any walls. "This is not possible," I remember saying to myself, "I must be dreaming. And if I am dreaming I can wake up." This is exactly what I had done. After listening to Waggoner's book, I realized that my d